Monday 21 May 2018

Big drone, Little drone, carboard box
There a lot to be said for smaller drone especially today when technology and miniaturization come together... But looking at my next drone I am thinking do I really need a inspire 2?... I started out flying after I brought a little toy drone doing loops around the living room,,, I thought of buying a drone to see if I can get decent footage... I guess I was one of the many many drone users who watch the usual you tube videos about drones... Never quite committed to buying the Parrot AR or the Lilly drone for which was plastered all over my screen as a advertisements....
The inspire 1 was suggested to be a Pro consumer drone and besides all of the specs and fancy videos about the drone... I liked it because it had a large micro four thirds camera with a option to buy a Zoom lens... I didn't have a used for this but still I wanted to buy it all the same...
Luckily I had a trip to Hong kong and by the looks of things I could buy the Inspire slightly cheaper then UK prices... wasn't a official DJI shop back then but thankfully there was a RF model specialist that I could buy the Drone from... This was helpful as I would buy accessories and eventually spare batteries, all I need for a good session...
By the end I had a spare remote 4 batteries a X5 camera and zoom lens as well as a 15mm and 12mm Olympus lens... My first flight was at a large empty part of the park in Hong kong... My flight was very short and by the time I got to the end of the last battery I was hooked... video was sunning and from then I tried to learn as much as I can from the drone... The learning curve was big... Not only did I have to learn to fly the drone, but had to have some understanding on photography...
Coupled that with the short flying time, I was setting up the camera in mid air when what I really should of done was to set the drone on the ground before I took off... My second drone was different experience the drone was per-ordered through the DJI flagship store and I had to wait... I was in Hong kong again... The long wait was worth it as the drone although small was much better the the inspire in so many different ways...
The Mavic was quick the drone could go to different areas and generally I felt more comfortable with flying with it... With longer flight times and a wicked quick low latency screen for feedback... I found I had a knack of doing turns and filming objects... I can only attribute this to the lower Expo settings...
If you see the inspire screen for the Flight characteristics you will see the lowest Expo setting is 0.2 which in my opinion is still sensitive even when pinching and performing a manual orbit maneuver...
The mavic however still has a lower value of 0.1 which mates the turns so much smoother...
Why is this important??... filming with the drone the inspire1, it can basically do long straight shots of forwards or backwards or side to side... Without much editing... If you are going to film turns or a wide slow pan you are at the mercy of a sensitive pan control... This has often turned too quickly or not enough... Or for some reason does not turn consistently over a very long pan or orbit shot...
The simple fact is your turn shorts with out a computer aid is pretty much rubbish...
Using automatic aid has been a fix that Ive employed lately due to the fact that as a solo pilot and cameraman I found a tracking system is better then trying to fix the sensitive joystick... The inspire 1 does have its advantages above the phantom drone, with its hide away legs and a better camera or its handling over high winds... A bigger drone would in theory handle the horizon problem, although I find that it wasn't the case... But looking the footage of a mavic pro and inspire 1 you can clearly see the turns and overall appearance of the two drones... The mavic can be piloted easily and the flight characteristic can be tamed for a cinematic look... while the Inspire prefers slow moving footage with little to no turns and also there is a speed limit of round 30mph before the gimble shakes or creates jello...
Everyone is telling me to go get the inspire 2 and that the safely of having the 2 battery system is better then the possibility of one, which could fail and crash the drone... While its essentially the same drone as the inspire one except for the speed and extra camera, as well as a few extra things... Ive been holding back because Ive simply been having too much fun with the Mavic pro... kite surfing videos and live shows have never been better and despite me wanting one... Ive been asking around for the specs for the inspire 2 namely what's the lowest expo setting for the rudder... If it still has the same value of the inspire 1 with a 0.2 value then its basically too sensitive for cinematic turns... I have a feeling I'll be disappointed as this is a 10 grand drone... will it still have the same turn characteristics as the old drone?, and with the extra features such as active tracking to make it look good...

I still feel that there are not many inspire 2 footage with dynamic turns or decent parallax examples... Simply put, I think the inspire 2 drives like a big bus with extra flash paint and probably looks good to most people... But why is there a lot of people selling on their inspire 2s and why are people buying the mavic range???...…
Going big is not necessarily going smart... At this point in time I am going to hold off buying a inspire 2 because I blog my footage with no intention to sell the film rights to my kite videos... Perhaps if I can gain a decent following I might buy another big drone, but otherwise there is no need for it on my blog video or you tube channel Unless I do a series of you tube tutorials, for which I found are really not that popular anyway...

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