Saturday 24 July 2021

Wildfires and drones

Drones are becoming useful to firefighters who need ever advantage to fight them...

In a world where areas in the tropical zones are very vulnerable due to the dry conditions, it’s important to spot and tackle any fires as soon as possible...

One problem is firefighters might encounter is the 
Pilots who might take their drones for a visit during this incident... 
it’s one thing to fight fires with drones, but to hinder the ongoing operations with one for video footage might be illegal...

Forest fires use aerial vehicles to either bring water to the area or scout and map the general area...
Also, to spot any trapped people that might need rescuing...
The FAA have placed temporary flight restrictions over wildfires to prevent any mid-air collisions...

The penalties you could incur is a  12-month sentence in prison and a civil penalty of $20,000...

Whatever you believe in the use of your drone and capturing the wildfire... it’s certainly not worth it to disrupt to fire department... 

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