Saturday 13 January 2018

Collaborating is good... I think...

In the spirit of cooperation I decided to ask some people on a singer song writer group if anyone want to donate some songs for me to put drone videos to other peoples music...

Subbscribe to my youtube...This was proven to be quite successful... Except Ive been message by so so many musicians most of then nice and friendly... But the other people you can imagine that they were asking a lot of complex questions on my motives and how can I make them a Star...

buy a mavic
one annoying person asked why should I give me their song they worked hard for only for some no popular drone pilot to use... The simple reason id for the spirit of collaboration... I get to edit drone footage to get better at it and the musician gets a well edited 4K video ( although you tube has ruined the video and compressed the resolution to a 720P)...

Go to the store
I looked into the musicians music and profile and it turns out his music wasn't too popular with the mainstream and that traffic to his music isn't much either... I left him to wonder some more as life is too short to get into a internet argument on how my contribution could be a hindrance to him...

The short of it, if you have the time to help then it can be very rewarding but there are internet trolls who just want to exchange words... Thankfully I cut short the invitational message to a few artist... and that I'm not gonna do more then I can Handle... Hopefully if you put yourself out there, you'll eventually build up a good reputation... Or at least that's the plan...

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