The next thing is to switch it on and off to reset the system so it can reboot to the new system...
If you are really careful you should also check out the Expos setting ( for normal speed and sport) The return to home Height, multi flight mode switch (for intelligent navigation and Sport mode use)
Check IMU and Compass and see if the round radar like instrument is orientating the way it should...
The final thing is the "Find my drone " feature... This is to make sure your back up works under the new software protocols... Hopefully all is well and your new FW works better with the DJI goggles...
Currently the System is working fine but I have also a two controller setup so I just realized that the second controller need a update as well...
Using a crystal sky monitor and a Iphone7+ the update works well with e Iphone but it fail to update with the crystal sky... I think the Crystal-sky operating system will only update the monitor but not the aircraft and controller or individual DJI go4 app... Making the Crystal-sky as a separate unit and not part of the update eco system... Either way the update was successful using the iphone, so I swapped out the DJI monitor to the master controller and not the slave controller... After the update all seems to be working fine... But I only tested indoors for functionality and to set personnel settings...
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