Monday 22 January 2018

Drone Magazines... I’m just looking

Ever end up on the magazine section of a large Tesco’s or Asda’s Store?... Recession and plain laziness has me looking to buy but not really due to the ridiculous price for what is essentially a coffee table mag...
The latest drone magazine catches my eye when it used to be the generic car mag or the occasional 2000 ad comic or if you are brave enough the jazz mag on the top shelf of a independent newspaper shop...

My latest indulgence is flicking through Drone magazine (£8)  in-case there is something I missed in the Drone world... but it’s been show casing the latest drone or toy and other articles gently pushing the reader to obtaining a Pfco or a permission for commercial operations...

Besides the usual pictures and back of the magazine advertising or “Drone porn” 
Things get stale if all you have is a DJI article trying to determine the next big feature and how will it effect the industry...

yes they can deliver stuff from ice creams to Amazon packages... but most people are asking how does this effect me... one person mentioned in the drone forums there is a back stabbing mentality on the independent drone business front... a subject that no drone magazine would like to write about... as more and more people get into this business...

The cut throat nature of a over saturated workforce with varying levels of skills flood the job market... like the click bait nature of the You-tube video with people who work out the bear minimum of the drone flying app but advertising to thousands of people... These superficial tips and articles are bite sized portions of a ever growing problem that everyone can become a drone pilot... but not all people will be successful...

DJI shopI read the magazine with a pinch of salt and I am grateful that someone has done a magazine, only I hear that print is dead long live the online magazines... I gave up buying my magazines for various interests because they simply clutter my house for what is essentially a 5 minuet filler for when I’m on the crapper...

I might be wrong and magazines are the weekly/monthly bible for all new pilots.., it’s just that when I read something quickly through within a few minutes and there seems to be more pictures then writing... Then I become cynical to the that a expensive magazine can be worth any merit for us normal folks.., In the end you just learn the basics and skim through the rest paying as little as possible until you get a real paid aerial gig and go through the money like a pissed up lotto winner...

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