Sunday 21 January 2018

Sunday is Checking stuff still works day... Or Maintenace day...

drone repairs

 Nothing on TV usually sundays so you can potter about in your robe or just think about doing updates and testing Firmware on your drone... the latter means you are on your way to being drone obsessed... It also means you'll starting to manage your time well to sort out the bugs and fixes of everyday drone life... I make a mental note of every change I make and see if at this point in time is it working or not...

Previous problems of connecting the camera and a blank screen had lead me to conclude that I shouldn't connect the camera or assemble the drone (ie conect the camera or fit the USB lead in the open air) I've used the same idea to reduce sensor damage o the X5 camera as my multi purpose zoom does all the angles I need except "Bokeh", but who wants to do that for the water action because it can be a bit fiddly on a moving target...

buy a mavicWith software, its different you have to re-update the FW (firmware) or reboot everything to clear the fragmented previous copy of DJI GO app on your already full hard drive of you tablet or smart phone... or beforehand just reboot everything to make sure you are only running the go app and no other apps running in the back ground... No matter how far you are on Majong or whatever game you are on... The fact of the matter is year on year your old phone finds it harder to collect the telemetry and camera view to a reasonable latency for you to photograph your back garden... Is it worth the constant Iphone upgrades or accessories is up to you...

My Sunday today was to link up my second slave remote to the controller and to check the controller software version and the camera functions since the last change... As I helped fixed a friends drone by updating his aircraft and linking my working controller to his drone...

dji storeLong story short, I fixed the connection issue but his old controller didn't update... the controller clearly didn't want to link even though before I looked at it, it did move the transport legs to the inspire... This was brought second hand and the previous owner gave up because he couldn't fix the dam thing...

Older controllers would of been easy to fixed if you disconnect the controller battery and reconnect after 10 mins... but I didn't want to complicate the issue and told the friend to get it fixed via repair shop that want you have a guarantee... The disconnect the controller battery idea seems to work on phantom systems and I have no idea if the inspire will do the same...

The rest of my Sunday will be just testing my camera view for both master and slave screens... With Ive tested already and am happy... I did think the Crystalsky monitor was a bit laggy but apparently the half second lag is on my ipad mini for and the Crystal sky...
I will have to continuously monitor the progress of this new development but sofar no problems on my inspire drone...

but later I'll probably go out and fly the mavic even though the weather is a bit shit... (so ill have to test that now...)

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