Saturday 6 January 2018

How to Fly in high winds

Suggestion: Flying in high winds, it is usually best to fly with winds below the top speed of the drone... 

For example the mavic pro as a top speed of around 40mph... ( personally flown in winds of 30mph) Its advisable to fly in winds lower then 30 mph as its less likely to drift away... Going at higher altitudes can cause drifting which will, if not careful fly away at some distance... 

Keep constant line of sight and be aware of its movements... If GPS isn't holding the aircraft in position then flying to lower altitudes will help... In my case 120ft is usually a good height to film above kite surfers and be manageable in 30mph winds... 

The mavic struggles to move in high wind speeds, so try flying lower but try setting a minimum height of 20 feet its at a altitude that gives you time to readjust the height should a gust of wind alters the height... The drone forward speed is faster then its sideways direction, be aware of this as you try to manouver a manual orbit... 

Panning or orbiting is best done in normal mode because the expos are more tamed less sensitive then sports mode... (this might cause drifting but be ready to switch to sports mode to fly out of trouble) 

Returning home is a matter of flying above the objects you are filming trees kites or vehicles... Use the round instrument panel to help direct your aircraft to home by making the pointer face the centre of the round instrument panel... 

 When landing, always face the direction of the wind that way the drone can handle the wind when it lands... Orientate your self in the way the drone moves so left is drone left and right is drone right, in case a gust of wind knocks the aircraft... 
On older drones they tend not to pause before when landing... Its advisable to pause a foot above the ground to prevent landing too hard...

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