Sunday 15 April 2018

Saturated Drone videos on social media... Am I bored yet...???

Who has seen a bunch of videos on you tube and learnt nothing about drones???... a strange life, show business and  I thought I got out of it when I quit my college band to do something worthwhile... The thing is any form of entertainment is a form of show business... Whether you are on stage behind a microphone or drawing a cartoon or something... Its all there for someones amusement... of the time its social media platforms that make most of us watch... Or if you still watch TV, it maybe that... But entertainment is becoming shorter or have bite sized segments to entertain us... except films) As most of my shows are 40 minuets and mostly

streamed, the concept of Tv is dying ever since the video recorder and TIVO was invented... internet has provided me with enough entertainment to go on without TV and from there on in you get into a pattern of watching anything that is interesting to you... Skipping the need to wait for a television schedule because its inconvenient to you and your schedule...
In case for me, watching Drone videos provides a reference of a world that I want to be apart off... One thing you can be sure of is the educational drone videos...

There's several types of drone videos... One of the popular ones are the bloggers channels... These are popular people who usually post daily and talk about any stuff they are currently interested in... In this case its the drone, usually going on about the press event of a new drone or a preview of the new up and coming drone... I tend to take this with a pinch of salt, as its a early version of this drone and likely to be some bugs or the video description of this drone is... Also you'll get someone predicting what the next drone will be like... There has been some long winded videos going on about the current features of your drone and what will be the extension of that in the next generation...

While its nice to see the up and coming new features with every new generation... Its all getting to be a bit similar... Granted the new DJI drone has a better camera and everyone is filming everything in their neighborhood...But the drone forums I think are getting saturated with too many drone videos or show reels of someones photography /videography business... tube has become a business platform and with that, the new membership means that no one earns money from drone videos unless you have 1000 subscribers and over 4000 watched hours at the end of every 12 months... ( also you must have a permission for aerial work or the American equivalent if you want to monetize your videos)
All of this is still early days but the drone consumer market is said to be growing...
With most people at the start of the steep learning curve where upon most crashes occur... and the most vocal people, will exactly tell you their hatred for this drone or complaints about that drone... Discouraging you from ever buying such a thing in the first place...

The industry seems to be in its infancy, as manufacturing and production of these flying things often come with glitches of one thing or another... The result is a series of "how to fix" videos and tutorial videos on making the best with your drone... or even a review of the top ten drones... most people are causally interested in drones, but if you add a top ten you'll start to draw in a crowd as we are people that are attracted to lists and top ten items... YouTube strategies have numbered lists and other compelling titles to be click bait magnets to the unsuspecting viewer... Along with High ranking suggested videos... You will find that video makers who use this kind of strategy seem to be goal orientated people who carve up a lot of the views and leave nothing for anyone else...
The most annoying thing for me, are the drone videos with a comedy element or forced comedy element... I can leave the humor but am forced to watch a awkward sketch in a middle of a drone review... Much of these are people who watch Top gear, and then try to copy it by doing stunts or a review with a race at the end... Ive only touched the surface of the drone videos out there as I can only see so much before I give up and try doing a you-tube search on a different subject instead... In the end it comes down to your own personnel taste... I prefer the straight talking no nonsense review or presentation with dry humor or if there's little of that, someone who doesn't talk for a long time on a subject...  A Long winded round about, up and down the garden video, when a 2 minuet video on the bullet points would of been enough...

I am starting to look at the boring Analytics of my videos and see the  watch count... Its a subtle way of telling me that my content is mostly boring and I should cut and edit the videos to a couple of minuets... A practice that most people don't do... but then again most people don't write a script for their videos a "to the point presentation" But popularity doesn't come overnight and if you are watching or making videos you'll have the pleasure of liking or disliking content... This type of feedback loop tends to discourage you as a video maker or make you more determined... In the end I find myself killing a few minuets with you-tube as there is some genuine glimpses of interesting footage... But as for becoming a regular you-tube personality... I think I’ll leave it for someone else...But am I bored yet of the videos out there...??? Videos are getting to be too similar... But overall personality wins throughout social media... And to win in this arena of self published internet stars is a difficult game... The money is rubbish the work hours is terrible and in the end its a very slow climb to the top...

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