I'm gonna have to apologist for this post as most of it will be me tell you the main reasons why I hardly use my inspire drone compared with my Mavic... ( so its likely to be a rant)
But being new I didn't really like taking landscape photography...
One major problem last year was a tendency for the camera view to get very glitchy... I change the region on my ipad mini 4 from UK to Hong kong so that I could customize the frequencies and fix the camera view glitches... All seems well but taking the Inspire out recently to test it with my Crystal sky and testing with my ipad... I find the system isn't as reliable as my Mavic system...
The Crystal-sky is supposed to be the goto monitor of my DJI drone... But lets face it there's a fundamental flaw in the Android operation system... I first thought its was a processor problem... And in part it was true...
But on further investigation I noticed things pile on the android very quickly... Much like a windows computer without a firewall... when entering the internet... the Computer gets bogged down with little programs not specific to the main function of the computer...
It did have a update recently to the crystal-sky OS version which got rid of the USB recognition pop up menu... and if it disconnects (because of a dodgy wire) it can easily reconnect if you pull out the USB and put it in again...
I found recently when I went to the settings of the CS settings... Tap on apps and looked at the RAM usage, I generally see unknown programs the tablet would run without knowing what it was doing...
Granted I did try to attempt to install litchi and a few other apps on the crystal-sky but found it was struggling to show a decent camera view with out pixelating... long story short extra apps BAD... crystal-sky with only original DJI software and a trimmed down Ram usage, seems ok... or GOOD
And only recently when flying the mavic with a CS I noticed that whenever someone walks on by the Camera view will pixel-ate again due to their phone with a wifi hotspot or their phone in general... This happen when a large group of people walked by a nearby footpath ( the drone was about 800 ft away...
With these problems alone for the Crystal-sky... it felt worst with the inspire drone and a CS monitor... DJI go3 app somehow feels sluggish on a IOS device but when you are trying to solve screen lag on a inspire 1 system along with the flaws of the CS as well, it seems overwhelming...
Thankfully I have a ipad mini 4 to help see which tablet is more reliable... And the original idea of using a CS to take over my inspire sysem now seems unlikely... I have o choice but to use it as screen for the camera operator to help frame the picture...
In comparison the Inspire with the Mavic, I have felt the lag from the small drone to be very small about less then half a second... But the inspire 1 has anything from half second to a full second lag... Many people have stopped updating knowing full well that DJI have throttle down the Speed and now with the FW (undated from 10th July 2017)
The range seem reduced as well as the screen shows signs of frequent pixelation ... A recent trip to the beach on further examination has me clocking the inspire at 1000ft before the screen was presenting lag and a intermittent screen view... Thinking this might be a screen contact problem I have cleaned the connection of the gimble with isopropyl... ready to test again... ( the black screen of death was camera view fault on the inspire when the contacts get dirty due to assembling the camera and aircraft outside)
In the end DJI have announced they will be no longer supporting the inspire 1 drone... And have moved onto the inspire 2 drone... You can buy their old stock of inspire 1's at discounted prices but considering that there's no after sales support and the system seems laggy compared to the Mavic... I think I can safely say that it might be called "planned obsolescence"... Or the same way Apple has made their phones work for a few years but eventually it gets too slow and useless you eventually throw it away anyway...
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