Saturday 27 January 2018

My inspire pro update ( phantom / DJI go app) Blank screen of Death...


Technical supportOk let’s talk about the elephant in the room... as far a the older DJI go app is concerned...
Apple has saw fit to push out their latest IOS version 11.2.5 as far as I know the 11.2.5 didn't have any real features like the famous screen record that eventually arrived when people have been asking and hacking the heck using a dodgy app "Airshou"...

 "Airshou" was a decent enough app it just was one  of those apps that became banned by apple... As soon as you installed it and allowed its configuration in your profiles via setting of the iphone... Then Apple soon got wind of a unknown software in your phone and rejects the profile with a dodgy Chinese name from its system.. And you probably only got a screen recording of the test recording you did that one time before you was gonna test it for real on the weekend when the weather is ok for flying...
Roll back ios (be careful!!!)Either way "Airshou" is redundant to us drone pilots because Apple has the screen recorder and now its IOS version has evolved to the mess we see today...

To some pilots who don't quickly update to the latest software... you are oblivious to the weird mis-communication of the inspire drone controller to the apple phone or tablet... ( the same is said to the older phantoms that use the old DJI go app)

Buy crystallskyThis has been the second time that Software has changed something  where it effected the controls of a drone app that caused pilots some discomfort... As far as I remember the first incident had a change which effected users of Litchi and Autopilot and were up in arms about this... It took a while for myself to get my Autopilot to work but it did and because I used DJI go more, my mavic pro was ok... I was on holiday at the time and it didn't effect me at the time...

buy DJIBut this time the change in software is a B.F.D., well to most pilots who still have the older drone... Because, lets face it the inspire 2 or the latest phantom is too expensive to buy...

(When I see a price tag of that inspire 2... I see the cost of a new smaller car the type of which I usually do my shopping in... and most of the footage is nice slow forwards / backwards boring shots (no offense to the photographers who use them))...
The older drones still have life in them but my god, when you take that away then bloody hell!!!,  you get a irate pilot stuck on a Sunday on his knees trying to sort out the drone in his back garden...

How to roll back IOS to earlier version ( be caeful!!!)
Either-way prevention is the key and luckily people have noticed this, and are slowly making people aware that the latest IOS update is rubbish for the older drone... You'll also get people complaining about this, saying why didn't DJI foreseen this in that they could of looked at the Beta software beforehand...

I had a argument with someone saying it couldn't be avoided and that I only remember only two occasions that software changed something that responded in the changes of the app or a warning to prevent this occurrence...
My argument was that if Apple did this often enough, DJI would most likely have a team to look at the Beta software to prevent this... His argument was DJI should have  done it NOW!!!!!.... In the end, (in my mind) Logic wins... But Crazy likes to shout it out for longer...

Buy stuff
There is prevention which will help most people but if your like me who has updated ( because I blog this stuff)
you could simply roll back the software on your iphone or tablet and have your system back... this means going on you-tube and looking for a video on "How to roll back your software to a previous version"
(using iTunes to load IOS to the phone, even for roll backs)...
But be careful as there are many ipsw's ( apple software package) that you load your device with the wrong operating software... Ultimately fuck up your system...

Meanwhile this Apple and DJI thing will carry on and if it makes enough of a stink on further updates, then DJI will likely do something about it by looking at the Beta software but Rome wasn't built in a day...
So you might get updates like this from time to time and I'd probably think about any updates before carrying on to regret it... Ultimately the forums are the best source of information to make a decision on whether you should make your drone the best it can be... or to update it...

(UPDATE as of 1 feb 2018 DJI has rolled out a new DJI go app version 3.1.27 This has fixed the Blank screen glitch that now works with Apple devices version IOS 11.2.5)

Monday 22 January 2018

Drone Magazines... I’m just looking

Ever end up on the magazine section of a large Tesco’s or Asda’s Store?... Recession and plain laziness has me looking to buy but not really due to the ridiculous price for what is essentially a coffee table mag...
The latest drone magazine catches my eye when it used to be the generic car mag or the occasional 2000 ad comic or if you are brave enough the jazz mag on the top shelf of a independent newspaper shop...

My latest indulgence is flicking through Drone magazine (£8)  in-case there is something I missed in the Drone world... but it’s been show casing the latest drone or toy and other articles gently pushing the reader to obtaining a Pfco or a permission for commercial operations...

Besides the usual pictures and back of the magazine advertising or “Drone porn” 
Things get stale if all you have is a DJI article trying to determine the next big feature and how will it effect the industry...

yes they can deliver stuff from ice creams to Amazon packages... but most people are asking how does this effect me... one person mentioned in the drone forums there is a back stabbing mentality on the independent drone business front... a subject that no drone magazine would like to write about... as more and more people get into this business...

The cut throat nature of a over saturated workforce with varying levels of skills flood the job market... like the click bait nature of the You-tube video with people who work out the bear minimum of the drone flying app but advertising to thousands of people... These superficial tips and articles are bite sized portions of a ever growing problem that everyone can become a drone pilot... but not all people will be successful...

DJI shopI read the magazine with a pinch of salt and I am grateful that someone has done a magazine, only I hear that print is dead long live the online magazines... I gave up buying my magazines for various interests because they simply clutter my house for what is essentially a 5 minuet filler for when I’m on the crapper...

I might be wrong and magazines are the weekly/monthly bible for all new pilots.., it’s just that when I read something quickly through within a few minutes and there seems to be more pictures then writing... Then I become cynical to the that a expensive magazine can be worth any merit for us normal folks.., In the end you just learn the basics and skim through the rest paying as little as possible until you get a real paid aerial gig and go through the money like a pissed up lotto winner...

Sunday 21 January 2018

Sunday is Checking stuff still works day... Or Maintenace day...

drone repairs

 Nothing on TV usually sundays so you can potter about in your robe or just think about doing updates and testing Firmware on your drone... the latter means you are on your way to being drone obsessed... It also means you'll starting to manage your time well to sort out the bugs and fixes of everyday drone life... I make a mental note of every change I make and see if at this point in time is it working or not...

Previous problems of connecting the camera and a blank screen had lead me to conclude that I shouldn't connect the camera or assemble the drone (ie conect the camera or fit the USB lead in the open air) I've used the same idea to reduce sensor damage o the X5 camera as my multi purpose zoom does all the angles I need except "Bokeh", but who wants to do that for the water action because it can be a bit fiddly on a moving target...

buy a mavicWith software, its different you have to re-update the FW (firmware) or reboot everything to clear the fragmented previous copy of DJI GO app on your already full hard drive of you tablet or smart phone... or beforehand just reboot everything to make sure you are only running the go app and no other apps running in the back ground... No matter how far you are on Majong or whatever game you are on... The fact of the matter is year on year your old phone finds it harder to collect the telemetry and camera view to a reasonable latency for you to photograph your back garden... Is it worth the constant Iphone upgrades or accessories is up to you...

My Sunday today was to link up my second slave remote to the controller and to check the controller software version and the camera functions since the last change... As I helped fixed a friends drone by updating his aircraft and linking my working controller to his drone...

dji storeLong story short, I fixed the connection issue but his old controller didn't update... the controller clearly didn't want to link even though before I looked at it, it did move the transport legs to the inspire... This was brought second hand and the previous owner gave up because he couldn't fix the dam thing...

Older controllers would of been easy to fixed if you disconnect the controller battery and reconnect after 10 mins... but I didn't want to complicate the issue and told the friend to get it fixed via repair shop that want you have a guarantee... The disconnect the controller battery idea seems to work on phantom systems and I have no idea if the inspire will do the same...

The rest of my Sunday will be just testing my camera view for both master and slave screens... With Ive tested already and am happy... I did think the Crystalsky monitor was a bit laggy but apparently the half second lag is on my ipad mini for and the Crystal sky...
I will have to continuously monitor the progress of this new development but sofar no problems on my inspire drone...

but later I'll probably go out and fly the mavic even though the weather is a bit shit... (so ill have to test that now...)

Saturday 20 January 2018

Meterology one of the Sujects you might want learn for your PFCO...

Ok something Ive picked up in general is that a good majority of drone pilots Ive seen and talked to is that they hate the weather...

Weather it is the actual conditions outside or the theory side of the multiple questions on the written test... I was invested in knowing the weather patterns since I have to wait for the perfect onshore winds for the work I do...

Using the met office and other smart phone apps. I initially tarted without a clue and that the numbers was meaningless...

Only when I've applied the need of finding the right conditions for kite-surfing did this sink in...

the weather
UAV forecast is a good app to get into it tell you the direction ( well sort of a arrow) and XC weather... I would use  the live weather app too because it states the changing direction of wind as each hour passes or the day... You'll have to pay to unlock the weather app to obtain the forecast for the week ahead but... I would try Weather Live or BBC weather or the weather channel on your iphone...

buy at DJIIn certain apps live weather live you will also get the sun rise and sunset... but funny enough not the tide tides... I would use the beach guide via this is essential to me as high tides is the best times for most beach activities... This web site also gives guides to the general area if there is a ban on dogs and their owners to walk a certain area...

The beach guide...Most droner pilots have a used the weather guides to find the lowest winds and the sunniest days... But for me I embrace the chaos and go for the winds... that favor my needs... it would mean more days out flying and that cant be too bad...

Friday 19 January 2018

Whats it like on a Drone course training for a PFCO??? (permission for commercial operations...)


Ok its been a while since I wrote my last entry...
This is because for the past few days Ives been on a training course to try and improve my knowledge of the Uk regulations and the Protocols that are used for commercial aerial work...

Coptrz training
Day1) Tip it was a good idea to come a day early to sort out the accommodation and to DE-stress before the next day...

I had a whole day to travel there and because I have a electric car it wasn't easy... to find a charge point for the car... luckily there are things like Zap map and ecotricity charge points that have established locations around the country... The one I went particularly was free...

Drones to buy at CoptrzThe hotel room was pleasant but expensive... if you had other sleeping arrangements then I suggest you plan your routes and get there on time...
The first day was a basic introduction around the room... This means to tell everyone about yourself and about your drone business...

The moduals then selves are 6 in total for the day... includes  Airspace operating principles...
Air-man-ship... Air law and Responsibilities... Meteorology and finally Navigational charts...
There is a lot to get through on the first day and there are some funny videos but generally the class is entertaining...

Coptrz video
 The second day was more tense as on the second day towards the end you are have the option to sit through the multiple choice theory test...
Other subjects such as Operation procedures, Human factors and Aircraft knowledge are taught...

There is some maths work involved as you work out battery capacities and their rate of discharge.. also wind speeds in terms of flying into head wind... If requested you can actually borrow a calculator but cant be sure if every tutor will allow it ( I asked nicely and I could)


On the third day its business considerations and flight planning and getting used to making flight logs...

As the final flight exam requires you to make a flight plan and have emergency contact numbers of the local police the nearest big hospital and local Airport..

Tutorial videos

After the flight test you are asked to go through your flight planning and read out what you think is relevant to the local area... Included the latest weather reports speed direction chance of rain and visibility....
You could list everything but dont over-do the details...
There is a final risk assessment and a decision weather to go or dont go...

Conclusion.... I initially found it daunting and that the academic side was going to be tough... It was tough but subjects such as the meteorology made this a important and for me a enjoyable subject to follow... I enjoyed the Training at Coptrz, they have a entertaining but a well organized 4 day training course...

Hopefully as you progress in your drone career you'll get to do more events weather its a Drone conventions in the UK... The N.A.B. in Las Vegas(national association of broadcasters) or even a DJI workshop event at one of their stores...


Sunday 14 January 2018

DJI Inspire 1, learn camera controls without using touchscreen

This is a how to video to control the camera without the need to use the touch screen... using a combination of left and right dials you can adjust iso, aperture, shutter, focus and with Olympus 14-42mm lens Zoom...

shop at djiAlso I forgot to mention that the manual focus assistant located at camera menu/spanner tool... ,has a automated zoom for fine focus adjustment.
Just remember in this mode, to lightly move the left dial to whatever focus you need with smaller movements on the wheel...

Shop at DJI

Also these button and dial adjustments seem to only work with dji go app only... as I tried this with autopilot and it has no effect thanks for watching, please like or share this video as its part of an ongoing series of filming techniques and methods of aerial videography...

Subscribe to my youtube...
para surfers demo using zoom lens autopilot demo 2 Advance flying camera demo...

Saturday 13 January 2018

Collaborating is good... I think...

In the spirit of cooperation I decided to ask some people on a singer song writer group if anyone want to donate some songs for me to put drone videos to other peoples music...

Subbscribe to my youtube...This was proven to be quite successful... Except Ive been message by so so many musicians most of then nice and friendly... But the other people you can imagine that they were asking a lot of complex questions on my motives and how can I make them a Star...

buy a mavic
one annoying person asked why should I give me their song they worked hard for only for some no popular drone pilot to use... The simple reason id for the spirit of collaboration... I get to edit drone footage to get better at it and the musician gets a well edited 4K video ( although you tube has ruined the video and compressed the resolution to a 720P)...

Go to the store
I looked into the musicians music and profile and it turns out his music wasn't too popular with the mainstream and that traffic to his music isn't much either... I left him to wonder some more as life is too short to get into a internet argument on how my contribution could be a hindrance to him...

The short of it, if you have the time to help then it can be very rewarding but there are internet trolls who just want to exchange words... Thankfully I cut short the invitational message to a few artist... and that I'm not gonna do more then I can Handle... Hopefully if you put yourself out there, you'll eventually build up a good reputation... Or at least that's the plan...

Friday 12 January 2018

The joys of the new mavic pro FW update version1.4.200

The latest update has me thinking whats up this time, sure enough looking at the FW notes the latest update is basically making the system compatible with The DJI goggles...

Youtube channelExpect a 20min or possibly more time to wait for this update... (use a reliable router or internet connect to grab the 200mb file) The best thing is to leave it running and go away to have a cup of tea and come back to it... Unless you use the DJI assistant 2 software from your desktop computer ( if people still use such a thing)

The next thing is to switch it on and off to reset the system so it can reboot to the new system...
If you are really careful you should also check out the Expos setting ( for normal speed and sport) The return to home Height, multi flight mode switch (for intelligent navigation and Sport mode use)

Check IMU and Compass and see if the round radar like instrument is orientating the way it should...
Shop at DJI
The final thing is the "Find my drone " feature... This is to make sure your back up works under the new software protocols... Hopefully all is well and your new FW works better with the DJI goggles...
DJIOf course if you dont have goggles and you are wondering if this is any good for me, the answer is I dont know... Usually people are reluctant to change unless its really necessary... But for me I like to test the latest and report back if there are any glitches hopefully help people to ecide if its worth doing... So far testing this system I found no problems and no doubt will say something should anything should occur...

    Currently the System is working fine but I have also a two controller setup so I just realized that the second controller need a update as well...
DJI Mvic Pro
Using a crystal sky monitor and a Iphone7+ the update works well with e Iphone but it fail to update with the crystal sky... I think the Crystal-sky operating system will only update the monitor but not the aircraft and controller or individual DJI go4 app... Making the Crystal-sky as a separate unit and not part of the update eco system... Either way the update was successful using the iphone, so I swapped out the DJI monitor to the master controller and not the slave controller... After the update all seems to be working fine... But I only tested indoors for functionality and to set personnel settings...


Thursday 11 January 2018

The "Lasso maneuver" or manal orbit around a moving subject..

This is one of many drone samples of cinematic footage, I intend to create and share as a educational tool for other pilots interested in professional drone flying...
 In this case maintaining a well controlled rudder is important, you can pinch the rudder for fine control... Or in my own case I took off the rudder stick altogether to reduce finger wobble or nervous twitching as I maintain a good orbit...…

Wednesday 10 January 2018

This Is a result of last Saturdays filming... I got up very early to film the only two kite surfers on the beach... This allows me to go for lower altitudes and test out my cinematic moves on the subject...

What I use for this video
What I use for the producing this video
The results are quite interesting.. This is a lower resolution video to allow more film recording time... It is in 2.7k and not as a final product... For testing purposes I experimented on auto exposure for dynamic light changing and not adjusted the gimbal horizon as the wind and angular momentum has a way of effecting the results... 
I prefer long clips instead multi fast edits (that are a bit too flashy and strobe inducing) I hope you like the relaxed feel of the video and that you like and subscribe to the channel or Facebook blogs...

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Using a iPhone video stabiliser to help with shakey drone footage...

There are many image stabilisers on the market.. (I use for my mavic drone footage), for my iPhone blogging setup I use Emulsio its free but you’ll have to have their watermark on your videos... or pay for the removal... It can do a good job but don’t expect miracles from a harsh flying style...

Also the app saves the video for processing... I find I need to clear it out by removing and removing-installing the app to free up phone memory...

using a mavic pro.
Using a mavic Pro to film Kite surfers

Monday 8 January 2018

Manual orbits in high winds using a mavic pro or similar drones

For reasonable orbits on kitesurfing or any water action... try to pinch thumb and finger on your rudder joystick... to help match speeds pinch with thumb and finger on the right hand joystick...
even if you are on sports mode...
you just need to finesse to orbit manoeuvre to account for the high wind speeds... practice practice practice... it ultimately helps with your hand eye coordination...

Saturday 6 January 2018

How to Fly in high winds

Suggestion: Flying in high winds, it is usually best to fly with winds below the top speed of the drone... 

For example the mavic pro as a top speed of around 40mph... ( personally flown in winds of 30mph) Its advisable to fly in winds lower then 30 mph as its less likely to drift away... Going at higher altitudes can cause drifting which will, if not careful fly away at some distance... 

Keep constant line of sight and be aware of its movements... If GPS isn't holding the aircraft in position then flying to lower altitudes will help... In my case 120ft is usually a good height to film above kite surfers and be manageable in 30mph winds... 

The mavic struggles to move in high wind speeds, so try flying lower but try setting a minimum height of 20 feet its at a altitude that gives you time to readjust the height should a gust of wind alters the height... The drone forward speed is faster then its sideways direction, be aware of this as you try to manouver a manual orbit... 

Panning or orbiting is best done in normal mode because the expos are more tamed less sensitive then sports mode... (this might cause drifting but be ready to switch to sports mode to fly out of trouble) 

Returning home is a matter of flying above the objects you are filming trees kites or vehicles... Use the round instrument panel to help direct your aircraft to home by making the pointer face the centre of the round instrument panel... 

 When landing, always face the direction of the wind that way the drone can handle the wind when it lands... Orientate your self in the way the drone moves so left is drone left and right is drone right, in case a gust of wind knocks the aircraft... 
On older drones they tend not to pause before when landing... Its advisable to pause a foot above the ground to prevent landing too hard...

Friday 5 January 2018

I’ve been testing my crystal sky monitor (ultra bright 2000 not version) with a few modifications... First of all I didn’t have a proper DJI tablet holder for the Mavic... but instead used a coat hanger wire to solve a problem where the battery over hangs out in the back making it difficult for this tablet to sit flush with the back plating.., The screen shines quite a lot making the monitor hard to distinguish the screen from the ghost images of the reflections... To solve this I have replaced the surface with a special anti glare screen... This was cut from a iPad Pro screen by the sales guy who sold me the screen... And later a usb micro connector to connect the side of the monitor to the bottom of the mavic controller...

The system works perfectly with the brightness turned up you can see the screen in bright daylight... and with little lag or low latency you can fly with confidence... I found myself flying further and closer to the action with no glitches to the controller... Although it runs hot and noticed leaving it on you have to touch the screen firmly to register a screen... This was not a problem but now I would click the power button once to place the tablet in sleep mode... ( this helps to cool the tablet) Turning the tablet on from sleep mode is simple either push the power button or turn on the controller... (it supposed to recognize the controller turning on and would start up accordingly)

The crystal sky processor, I would say is slower then my iPhone 7+ and the play back of 4k videos is strained... but besides it being a android tablet and has a unique or different filing system to the iPhone... The crystal sky monitor is really a good basic screen with a reasonable SD card reader and file transfer system... to expect it to replace my iPhone 7 is asking too much... Although the new update now allows third party apps... I wouldn’t expect the current system to be a All in one solution in the future... Instead just enjoy it for what it is a great way to frame your subject and to feel confident in presenting your flights to other people in a professional or teaching environment...

Thursday 4 January 2018

 How to control the Mavic pro for camera friendly turns and pans in sports mode

This is a tutorial on how I normally use a pinch method to control a drone in sport mode...
Most people are aware that the rudder can be quite sensitive even when you set the expos as low as they go on sports mode...
There is a 5mm difference between the slow moving and fast moving part of the joystick exponential curve...
This requires a very steady hand control for camera work...
I find pinching thumb and forefinger in the Rudder gives steady precision to the left stick while helping to maintain correctly the right altitude for the drone...
The right hand joystick isn’t movement sensitive ast the rudder and therefore doesn’t require a pinch method...